Using’s eTTP data to review supply chains

Last updated on Jan 24, 2024

The eTTP (estimated traceability to plantation) data helps predict likely supply chain links when only mills are known. analyzes 25 km and 50 km around each mill and estimates using our plot database to narrow the risk assessment to 1) known palm oil plantations, and 2) to those with known business associations. 

eTTP Tier Description
1 - High (In Plot) A mill in the supply chain is located within the boundary of the plot.
2 - High (Same Group) A mill in the supply chain is owned/operated by the same parent company as a plot within 25km
3 - Low (10km Range) The mill and plot are within 10km
4 - Low (25km Range) The mill and plot are within 25km

How is this useful for EUDR?

You can use to assess which mills will be the most challenging to meet EUDR compliance, an important first step in deciding where to prioritize your efforts.